Hesed: Does The Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus?

The Mashiah: A Study Of The Messianic Prophecies
The Tanakh contains a trove of prophecies that are specific and purposeful. One of the key subjects of Biblical prophecy is the coming of the Messiah.
Did Jesus fulfill any of the messianic prophecies? How many did He fulfill, and how well did He fulfill them? In this book, we will seek to answer these questions by examining the prophecies in the Tanakh.

The Esa: The Role of the Messiah in G-d's plan
The Tanakh contains G-d’s message to us, and it is therefore invaluable. In the Tanakh, G-d reveals who He is and who we are, how we got in the predicament we are in today, and how G-d has a plan to rescue us. G-d’s plan includes sending a deliverer, the Messiah, to provide atonement for iniquity and to end evil human governments.
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah. In this book we will examine the Tanakh and its description of the role of the Messiah. Then we will consider Jesus’ life to see how well His accomplishments matched the first part of the description. We will also discuss why it is necessary for the Messiah to come two times and how Jesus will return to finish the work that G-d has for Him.
(coming in 2025)

The Tanakh: Its Unusual ending
The Tanakh is a literary masterpiece. Of course, that only makes sense as G-d is the ultimate author.
In this book we will examine the Tanakh as a piece of literature. We will take a look at its recurring themes and its conspicuously incomplete ending. Then we will consider how well the story of Jesus completes the Tanakh.
(coming in 2026)